What do Grinspoon and Son of Jaguar have in common? Both bands are from the Northern Rivers, play classic rock music, and share the bass player, Joe Hansen.

Joe Hansen
Just over 200km down the road from Byron Bay, NSW is the sleepy coastal town of Woolgoolga, home to a 5 piece band called Son of Jaguar. Born out of a desire to drink beer with their mates and play sweat-drenched rock n roll, Son of Jaguar have managed to also get out of the garage. They’ve toured with Grinspoon, The Living End, The Bennies, Kingswood, Polish Club, The Hard Aches, The Celibate Rifles and Spy V Spy.
Son of Jaguar has also released two albums. Their second, Gone Wrong, was released in September 2021.
When he is not playing Bass for Northern Rivers band Grinspoon, Joe Hansen plays bass with his other band, Son of Jaguar. Joe called into BayFM’s Northern River Music Box to speak with host Ange Kent. He talked about the new album and having fun with his mates making music with a sensitive edge.
Northern Rivers Music Box is a weekly local music show on BayFM, Friday’s 2-4pm