“Waking Dreams” is the theme for the much anticipated Burning Man’s 2022 event. Festival organisers said the concept will “explore the transformative power of dreams, both literal and figurative, and celebrate the dreamers who channel this potent energy in eye-opening, often surrealistic, sometimes life-changing ways.”

Burning Man 2022 - Waking Dreams
Burning Man 2022 – Waking Dreams

Stuart Magnum is the director of Burning Man’s Philosophical Center. He has written a post on the event’s official website that talks about dreams and surrealism that have always played a part in the Burning Man experience.

It’s been three years since the last official Burning Man event due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Stuart Magnum describes the anticipation for Burning Man 2022 as “a thousand days and nights of pent-up hopes and desires, all coiled up in our psyches and ready to burst out onto the blank canvas of the Black Rock Desert.”

The post reveals the theme also talks about the history of dreaming and surrealism. “That reintegration of dreaming and waking consciousness that fuels surrealism also sounds a lot like how many people describe their Burning Man experience as a sort of waking dream… It is a signature aspect of Burning Man culture that we transform our dreams into actions in the world. Not just an inner transformation but an externalisation of that vision, bending the arc of reality toward the fantastic and bringing the world along for the ride.”

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Burning Man

Article courtesy of Flowmusic