Nick Colbey is a solo musician, born and raised in the Northern Rivers. After a stint in Sydney, playing in the band ‘Borneo, he travelled around Australia for two years, surfing, creating and writing, before once again gracing us with his presence.

‘Universe’, his latest single, is a stellar tribute to the enigma, Iggy Pop. How’s that for a teaser for your eardrums?

Can you tell me a little bit about your musical journey to date.

I always wanted to be in a band, but didn’t know how. When I was 22, I moved from Byron to Sydney, and my mate Tim invited me along to a few jams with some friends. From there, we started a band called Borneo and played for 6 or 7 years together. Around this time, I had had enough of the big smoke and by the time I had returned to Byron, I had written some songs for my own project, ‘Colbey’ and was ready to record them.

What or who initially drew you to the music industry?

I guess it was the dream to be a travelling musician growing up, those childhood dreams are what draws us all in.

Why should people listen to your music?

Because it might just be the thing they’re looking for. 

What’s your fave part of performing live?

When you roll into the third song and you can feel a connection building between you and the audience, if it’s a good one, then suddenly, you’re in this orb of something unexplainable together, without knowing where it will end up.

What has been the proudest moment in your music career?

Either going on the road with King Stingray last year or getting to support The Chills in New Zealand on NYE at an awesome pub. (Thanks to my pal Reuben Bonner, love ya mate!)

When you’re not making music, what are you doing?

Surfing a lot and wasting too much time on my phone unfortunately, being a step dad , trying to navigate the ups and downs of the current Byron. I also love to go camping, drink Tooheys, and scheme a tour or travel dream.

Anything else you’d like to add?

Thanks Prudence, thanks Ange, long live Bay FM and RIP Donny! 

Check out Colbey’s song 400.

Craving more music info about Nick Colbey?

New Song “Universe” on YouTube
Insta: @colbey_

“Short and Sweet’ is your backstage pass to NSW’s Northern Rivers’ music scene, inspired by BayFM’s Ange Kent and music journalist Prudence Clark from Off the Record. Get to know the local artists you love (or are about to!) as they share their creative journeys, inspirations, and what music means to them. Stay tuned for the next “Short and Sweet” interview with Prudence Clark.

Help us spread the word and celebrate local music, every Friday afternoon from 4pm to 5pm on BayFM’s Northern Rivers Music Box, hosted by the Ange Kent. Dial in at 99.9FM, stream, or via your favourite listening app.

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