‘Short and Sweet’ is a project inspired by BayFM’s Northern Rivers Music Box staring local musicians like Josh Kent, the creative driver of Earth to Josh. It’s basically an insight into the musicians you know and love, or are about to, how they work, what inspires them and what music means to them.
1. Who or what has been your biggest influence in regard to you and your music?
There’s so many memories for me associated with sounds, I think it’s just the way my brain works. Pre 2010’s alternative rock like early Tame Impala, Kings of Leon and another from the era, Empire of the Sun, give me this crazy dreamlike nostalgia. It’s a certain feeling I always try to chase when making music although I don’t necessarily know what it is. I also feel some sort of powerful magic in The Beatles, The Beach Boys, Pink Floyd, and Crosby Stills Nash and Young. I love how those records can fully just transport you somewhere, it’s true magic.
2. Can you describe your latest release in 5 words?
Organic Introspective Nostalgic Pop Rock
3. What does 2025 hold for you?
I’m hoping to release my second album and hopefully play bigger and better shows!
4. When you’re not making music, what are you doing?
To be honest when I’m not making music, I’m trying to figure out how to get people to actually hear my music haha. But apart from music stuff I love to go surfing, go exploring in nature, cruise at the skatepark and hang out with friends.
5. What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced regarding your musical journey?
A challenge that I had to overcome was when I was first starting, I didn’t really have anyone around to play music with, which is why I set out to teach myself everything, from guitar, song and lyric writing, to the biggest and most time consuming challenge – recording and mixing. Learning how to properly record and mix is a career in itself which is why the record has taken so long to finish because I needed it to be my best work.
Check out Earth to Josh’s song ‘Run’ on YouTube, also available on all streaming platforms.
Hungry for some more music info?
Insta: @earthtojoshmusic / YouTube / Soundcloud / Bandcamp
Spread the word and celebrate local music every Friday afternoon from 4pm to 5pm on BayFM’s Northern Rivers Music Box hosted by Ange Kent. Dial in at 99.9FM or stream bayfm.org or via your favourite listening app.
Insta: @bayfm99.9 / @northernriversmusicbox / Facebook / Northern Rivers Music Box show page