There were all sorts of shenanigans afoot at the 30th Nimbin MardiGrass last weekend including the Hemp Olympix with events like the Bong Throw and Yell, Growers Iron Person Event and Joint Rolling competitions.
But on the serious side of things, solicitor Bernie Bradley was part of an open meeting of the Legalise Cannabis Party. He was one of two Queensland candidates for the party at this year’s Federal election and came oh so close to defeating a bunch of right wing heavyweights including Pauline Hanson, Clive Palmer, former Qld premier Campbell Newman and the Liberal National party’s Amanda Stoker.
So how did the party manage to do so well on a budget of just $10k ($4k of which went to registering the two candidates) when it was up against Palmer’s $100 million campaign?
Bernie was surprised himself. He doesn’t imbibe the bud but does represent a bunch of clients who suffer from PTSD, chronic arthritis amongst other conditions, and use medicinal marijuana to help ease their pain. He feels the current roadside drug tests (of which there were an abundance at Mardi Grass 2022) are draconian in the extreme and in need of change.
Hear him discuss the issue here (Tuesday Sept. 13 5pm)