Family Dynamics with Psychologist Jane Enter

As we enter the end of year festive season this very last episode of our On the Couch series discusses the ‘family’.

Love them or hate them, our family remains the single most important influence in our lives – especially in the early years.

We are family

But as we know, it’s not all rosy, and it’s this time of year that everything related to our family experience rushes to the surface.

It makes for a happy time for many and a challenging time for others.

Who better to help us navigate our family dynamics than the wonderful Jane Enter.

Listen to the interview with Above the Fray presenter Fernando de Freitas.

Hear all episodes in our On the Couch with Jane Enter series here

PLEASE NOTE: This series is now also on Spotify & Apple Podcasts

More Information:

FirstLight Healthcare – Psychology

7 Strategies to Deal With Difficult Family Members