It’s a difficult anniversary for residents of the Northern Rivers but a new exhibition hopes to help with speed for dating flood victims and their rescuers.
Rescue: Stories and portraits of civilian rescuers from the February 2022 flood was curated by Jeanti St Clair, Lismore’s unoffiical story-catcher, with photography by Raimond de Weerdt, and comes on top of her previous piece of work about the 2017 Floods called Flood Stories.
Bringing a trauma-informed interview practice to her work and recognises the psycho-social benefits of story-sharing for individuals and communities following a traumatic event.
Supported and funded by the NSW Government through Create NSW, and by Arts Northern Rivers, Resilient Lismore and the Foundation for Rural Regional Renewal, the show comes with a trigger warning as many in the region are still suffering from the after effects of the cataclysmic event
Serpentine Gallery, 104 Conway St, Lismore
February 24 – March 18, 2022
Monday – Friday 10am-4pm, Saturday 10am-2pm
We catch up with Jeanti on the banks of Leycester Creek in Lismore, which along with Wilson’s Creek, delivered the deluge to the town.