A massive THANK YOU to all our incredible subscribers who have recently joined our ever-growing family!

We are an all-inclusive frequency, here to connect you with local Byron vibes.

A special shoutout goes to our awesome subscriber, Matt, rocking his brand new BayFM corduroy cap designed exclusively by Byron’s iconic Fallen Broken Street hat co.

We truly appreciate each and every one of our subscribers, like Matt, who have been with us for years and continue to show their unwavering support for community radio and independent media. Your dedication keeps local voices amplified and important regional issues on the airwaves. We report on issues that affect us and aim to make a positive impact in the lives of our listeners.

We also lend a hand to local charities, uplift talented local musicians and artists, and provide vital information and support during tough times. Together, we can create an even stronger, more connected community through the airwaves of most easterly station in the nation.

If you haven’t already joined our subscriber family, why not do it today?!

You’ll get to enjoy exclusive perks, like Matt’s cool cap, and first dibs tix to upcoming events. You’ll also experience the heartwarming feeling of supporting a cause that matters – local connectivity. We know that it builds resilience and strength and that’s our mission.

Hop over here to subscribe and feel the good vibes that flow from making a difference in your community’s bandwidth. 

🌟 Let’s keep the love flowing for community radio 💙